

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) makes it easier for employers and educators to connect and equip young people for the world of work. 

DYW North East provides an interface between organisations and schools. By engaging with schools, employers can help young people to develop the skills they need to enter the world of work, while building a pipeline of talent. We also support organisations to provide young people with opportunities via apprenticeships and other programmes.

DYW North East is committed to equality of opportunity; we want to ensure that all young people have access to careers-related activities. We work with employers to help them support the Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG). The YPG aims to connect every 16- to 24-year-old in Scotland to an opportunity. Pledging support via the YPG allows employers to plan and structure their activities with young people, with assistance from DYW North East and our partners.